Well, not quite, but the weather has been crappy and work continues to interfere with my boating, so progress has been patchy. Here's what I've done in the last few weeks.
- Half way through installing a smart regulator for the big house battery alternator.
- Half way through installing a dock-side water hookup that directly feeds the house water system, so we don't have to keep filling the tanks.
- Done a little more deck caulking (the weather's making that impossible).
- The starboard side shower always had this annoying habit of turning itself on, so we shut it off. I was going through some boxes of bits the other day and found a replacement cartridge for the mixer, which has fixed it up nicely.
Lot's of half-done jobs. Sigh, winter sucks.
The galley oven is playing up, and I have to accept it is probably nearing the end of it's serviceable life. As we have two monster generators which get run for everything else I'm thinking of replacing it with an electric oven, but keeping gas for the stove. Happy to hear the thoughts of anyone who has done this on their boat...
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