Monday 15 July 2019

Bendy Bits

I have been beavering away on various small jobs, including making up some interior trim (almost all done on that front). I had to laminate up some 90 degree bends to go around the exhaust cover trim in the port stateroom - quite pleased with how they came out.

Kamalii is booked in for haul-out and painting on the 20th August. Woohoo.

Monday 1 July 2019

So what have we been up to?

Jobs have continued on the boat through winter, but I have been a bit too pre-occupied to remember to post anything. Currently I (with the able assistance of Isi) am finishing off the teak trim in the galley and port stateroom and doing some tidy-up jobs.

The big news is we are going to paint the hull. Watch this space....


For those of you who have been following this blog via Facebook, unfortunately due to some technical issue that occurred when I tried to change the user account that managed the Facebook page I have been locked out and cannot regain control.

Fuck em. FB is a plague on humanity anyway.