Saturday 24 February 2018

How We Roll

I'm on a boat! I'm on a motherf.... boat!

Nice Day For It

Out for a quickie today. Have popped down to Tititiri to chill for a bit. No real wind so sailing was a bit lame, but I'll take it.

Some nice pics of Kamalii leaving the marina, taken by Krystle Tonkin.


Man contemplates wind, or lack there of.

Sunday 18 February 2018

The 10% Rule...

Been putting it off. And off. And off some more.

Time to service the heads. Again.

We were going to do it yesterday, but managed to find a whole raft of excuses not to, including going to the Auckland Pride Parade, which was just faaaabulous. Sarah marched with her friends in the Spark float, as did our friends Diana and Sean with the Unconditional Love float.

Actual footage of me at the Auckland Pride Parade.

Anyway, where was I..? The port side head has not been sealing properly for some time, while Emma a mystery person totally blocked the starboard side head before Xmas. I decided to order in parts before attacking them, since I figured I may as well give them a proper go-over, but also because it meant I had an excuse to not do anything for a while.

The time has come. And my cunning plan worked. With time the blockage in the starboard head has dissolved - phew! No need to open up pipes. However the reason the bowls have not been sealing is the massive amount of calcium buildup on the base of the bowls, which is weird because it has never built up that fast before. Too much dairy in the diet?  ;-)

Anyway, must have pictures, so here's some shots of our crapper. Enjoy.

Scraping off the calcium buildup from the base of the bowl.

Ball-valve in base of toilet. Turned out to be slightly loose, which would not have helped it seal.

New seal fitted over ball valve.

Ready for action! Brace yourselves...

Saturday 17 February 2018

Master Stateroom Progress

Finally getting around to finishing off the master stateroom. I have finished the basic panel work, and tomorrow will clean it all up and prep for painting. I have some teak trim to make up which I will do later in the week. Sharon plans to finish the general paint work in the cabin this week, weather permitting. 

Getting close to another tick off the list...

Test assembling the shelf and marking up for it's cutout.

Test fitting the bulkhead panels.

Almost ready for final assembly and painting.

Monday 5 February 2018


A mixed bag this extended-weekend, weather-wise, but as any old salt will tell you: when there is rain, there is always rum.

Currently relaxing in Te Kouma, Coromandel.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Power to the People

Hurrah! We are a two-genset family again.

Extracting the remains of the broken bolt from the exhaust header was...trying. But, all done, and she's up and running nicely again. Just as well, off on a four-day sailing trip this weekend with the usual rogues.

Ooooooh! Isn't it shiny! New stainless steel exhaust bend vs old unit.