Sunday 26 July 2015


I pulled the exhaust manifold off today. Or, rather, I undid all the bolts and fittings and allowed it to drop onto the floor. It's REALLY heavy. And it bounces. Onto your foot.

The great news is that someone previously has clearly suffered the horror of trying to remove the oil cooler in situ, and so when reassembling it very kindly left out one fixing bolt - the bolt that would require us to actually jack the engine to be able to remove the starter motor to in turn get to the bolt. Thank you, whoever you are.

I've had enough grease and grime for one weekend. I'll remove the oil cooler during the week and work out what needs to be done to it.

Saturday 25 July 2015


Glum faces on Kamalii. Well, one glum face - mine.

We put the engine back together today, and it runs - yay!

Unfortunately, it appears the oil cooler needs more serious attention, as it pumped more oil into the cooling system. Possibly we have a leaking core. And removing the oil cooler from the engine is not a small amount of work...

Tomorrow I will pull the exhaust manifold off to get a better look at things and work out a game plan from there. Worst case scenario, we have to pull the whole front end off the engine. (Actually, the worst case scenario is that we have to pull the prop shaft, disassemble the shaft brake, undo all the engine mounts and jack the whole engine up so we can pull it off. But I'm not even entertaining those thoughts...)

#*@!! boats.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

...and I'm back

I've returned from three weeks overseas on business, but frustratingly found that the port side head had not stripped and re-varnished itself, nor had the shower painted itself. Bugger.

I have returned with the fuel injection pump. A huge thank you to Jim Fols of Jim Fols Engineering in Los Angeles, a top man and great source of advice.

Suffering from chronic Need-To-Do-A-Boat-Job-itis upon my return, I have finished a job I started months ago and then let sit; we now have a pressure-regulated dock-side water hookup so we don't have to keep refilling the water tanks (you try living aboard with three teenage daughters).

So, this weekend I will start in on reassembling the main engine. Should be fun...