Tuesday 20 January 2015

A Few More Snaps

The Eastwoods, who came away on holiday with us, have sent through some more pics. Still can't get over the weather...

Sunday 18 January 2015


Re-caulking the aft and cockpit cabin decks fixed a number of the remaining small leaks we had not nailed, but the three main ones continued. During the week I injected fluid in through the leaks  in our cabin and Emma's cabin (still known to some as Jonathan's cabin) and found it exiting outside in places you would never have imagined - unless you are a traditional timber shipwright, in which case I bet you can imagine it coming out just about anywhere. The source of leaks having been identified, being the result of old termite damage, I have since pumped them full of saturating epoxy until it bled outside, and after last nights rain (first in weeks) we had not a drop inside. Fingers crossed...

Emma had a third leak under the deck in her cabin, which thanks to the decks being so dry after a long spell meant that when the rain came it was immediately obviously where it was coming in: a couple of broken seam edges in the caulk about a metre forward of her cabin. The water gets in, tracks back until it finds an opening in the timber joint and comes through. You gotta love traditional teak decks, hours of entertainment...

Cutting out the failed rubber. This should fix the leak (he says hopefully...)

New Toy

When we bought Kamalii I vowed I would not load her up with electronic toys. Yeah, right...

My Xmas present from Sharon fully installed:

Remote station for the VHF, at the binnacle. Now we don't have to go down below to use the VHF.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Back At Our (New) Home

We're back at Gulf Harbour, though now on a new slip. It's been a fantastic couple of weeks, hope this weather holds for the rest of summer!

A few last pics.

Friday 9 January 2015

End Of A Great Holiday

We have had nothing but fantastic weather these summer holidays, though on a few occasions we could have had more wind. After the Eastwoods left ship (thanks for a great time guys) on the 3rd we hung around in Port Fitzroy for a day and then headed around to the east side of Great Barrier, taking advantage of an all too rare weather window. Incredible beaches and incredible weather, just awesome.

We're now down at Te Kouma, off the western Coromandel Peninsula, having had a fantastic sail down yesterday, broad to tight reaching in 20-25 knots, occasionally hitting 30 knots, trucking along at 8-10 knots boat speed with just a double reefed main and reefed jib. Becs seemed alternately exhilarated and terrified!

Kamalii has behaved herself well, except for some recurring problems we had at the start with air in the fuel line for the engine - looks like one of my new hoses has a leaky connection on the vacuum side. Running the electric lift pump so there is no vacuum on the supply line to the engine fixed the problem, but will have to hunt down that leaky hose. We also have a leaking injector, so will take the shiny set of brand new injectors that came with the boat and do a swap this summer; otherwise the engine is running beautifully.

Mike earns his keep replacing the masthead lightbulb. Unfortunately the light unit did not survive the operation, so I will be fitting a new LED unit when we get back.

Just to prove we did catch fish. Nice tuna it was too...

Definitely the preferred sunbathing location.

Friday 2 January 2015

Sailing Days

Having a great time at Great Barrier Island. Sailing has been a mixed bag, now forecast for several days of nothing but sunny, windless days. Oh well, just have to suck it up...