Monday 30 April 2012


Cleaning up all the bronze in the standing rigging. Looks real purdy. Won't stay that way for long, but for now we can all look and go  "Aaaaaah."


So how thick are those solid teak decks? *Real* thick...

Wednesday 25 April 2012

And the work begins...

And the real work begins. Rick Brown and Richard Strizzi are undertaking the work on Kamalii, and first up is removing the sticks before being completely stripped. Given the large size of the spars Richard thought it would be a good idea to have a dude in a jet-pack on standby in case something needed adjusting mid-lift.  ;-)

Richard is a big boy, and has sandpit toys to match.

Look carefully in the background...

Friday 13 April 2012

She moves! The first time Kamalii has moved in 10 years. Rick Brown and Richard Strizzi move our "new" baby a short distance to Richards yard where they will start work. No, the sign-writer didn't get it wrong, an 'I' has flaked off the transom.